The Stours is a grouped Parish Council, situated in North Dorset and includes the four parishes of East Stour, Stour Provost, Todber and West Stour.  The River Stour is a major  influence on the four parishes that make up the parish council and from  which the council gets its name.

All members of the public and the press are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. The Stours Parish Council web site can be found at where Council agendas, minutes and planning applications are published.

The Stours Parish Council is committed to a policy of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and strives to ensure equal opportunities for all communities within our parish to access our services and be involved in what we do.

East Stour Parish Meeting

Twice a year East Stour Parish have a meeting, open to all residents to bring forward concerns, ideas, etc.  The meetings are held in the Village Hall at 7:30pm during May and November.  Please come along to be part of the decision-making for our village.

See the What’s On page for details of the next Parish meeting.

East Stour Parish Councillors

Richard McConnell 01747 839851
Jerry Pitman 07432 697994
Rupert Robson 07715 422535
Peter Stride 07967 386649
Judy Uden 01747 838728
Helen Wakeford 01747 838104
Nicky Phillips – Parish Clerk